Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer time is not all it's cracked up to be.....

I got a post from a fellow blogger bud.... she asked how it was going on my training. Unfortunately not too far! I thought I was going to be able to really get a jump on things but My oldest daughter got picked for her All Star Softball league! Now I will be driving all over getting her to practice 45 minutes away for 2-3 days a week for two hours at a time! Thank Goodness it's only for 1 month! I am very proud of this don't get me wrong, but it sure cuts into precious time after my full time job and her percosious little sister; they sure don't cut me any slack.

Doodlebug's team got third and only four girls on her team got picked for all Stars!

I will say this though; we had our latest round of treating cuts and scrapes! Who'd have thought aerosol cans were the devil! No matter how much I think I'm not getting done there is always something to learn! I had never considered the fact that we have not had to introduce her to Cut-N-Heal! She decided to stand up for herself and fight for her stall! Got cornered and banged up her nose. All she got for the effort was a bite on the neck! of course that ripped some hide off too, so it was doctoring time! Thinking nothing of the fact that she has never had to be doctored before and that I have just gotten so used to her taking so well to everything; I just reached in the tack room door, grabbed the can, shook it (mind you she is standing still and just looking at me, not flinching even at the shake of the can) and sprayed. Her neck was the easiest to get so that's where I started. You would have thought I had hit her with a Hot branding iron! She jumped so quick it took me by complete surprise! That's when I realised we had never done anything like this before!!!!! DUH MOM!


I figured the best way to learn is by doing. I got a good hold of her rope and grasped her nose...(the only spot left to doctor) and *pppssstttt*! There was a jerking of the head but no bolting... I chock that up to success. I know it's a little nervy to have a blast on your face, cold at that, so I let it go. We did ok to my way of thinking! No snorts or trying to kill Mom holding the demon can.

1 comment:

BarnGoddess said...

aerosol cans ARE the devil, dont you know about Global warming?!?!

haha just joking. Scooter doesnt mind them but I once owned a Paso Mare that was bomb proof until she heard/saw a aerosol can. weird.