Where do I even begin?!?!? It has been an interesting week to say the least.... well, more like it all happened over the weekend.
My Barrel Horse:

decided he was feeling neglected after we missed our monthly races on the 16th so he decided to go over (really through) the back fence onto our neighbors property. He did a bang up job on his right hind fetlock! It is all scratched up and swollen. So Mom gave him the attention he obviously thought he needed. He was doctored and wrapped (there was some slight swelling) and put up in an enclosed stall. Mind you this horse is 16 hands and has the worst case of clausterphobia I think I have ever seen in a horse. He cannnot be stalled, we now know, even in our completely enclosed stalls. We tried before in one of the open stalls while we were geting ready to head to a barrel race and he in turn tried to kill himself trying to get out. Thank goodness we were out there!; as he was tied when he tried to jump out. This time he tried to go through the paneling on the top of the stall. I am talking about a hole the width of about 6 inches and at eye level for him. How he thought 1000 lbs. would fit is beyond me. After that he was moved to the round pen. That too was a little confining for him.. he tried to take out panels by jumping them. (picture of the panel posted later!) Needless to say he was doctored and turned back out into the pasture before he really could kill himself.
While I was there Mom told me Little Bit was the only horse that hadn't been wormed that day because she couldn't keep a hold of her in the pasture. After much trying she couldn't even get close enough to her to get a halter on her. I proceeded to get her halter and treck on out to the pasture to try my hand at this.
I wanted to strangle the horse by the time we finally caught her. She would let me get close enough to rub her neck and pat her between the eyes. But as soon as the halter came out, up went the tail and head and off she went! LITTLE BRAT!
*Her original name was "Little Shit", but i figured I didn't want to hear the kids saying that in public so we changed it*