I have such plans for something I never thought I would own!
First being A NAME!!!! Poor little guy I have not even given him a name yet! I have to start from zero with this little guy! He is 4 years old, still a stud, and has never had anything done with him! His feet are in terrible shape, he was covered in sand fleas (which are beginning to diminish after daily bathing and an equispot treatment), and I have no idea now if he has ever been wormed. He is unregistered at the moment (pending the gift of 2 name choices).
I am completely at a loss as of what to do with this little guy! I know I want him to learn to pull a cart and break him enough that my youngest daughter can ride him, I just have no idea where to start with him. I do know first things first: FEET! He will pick up his front feet for us but not without a little dancing. The back feet though are quite another thing entirely! I have gotten bit and Clint (previously referred to as new love interest) has been knocked on his butt! Clint has worked with him a couple of times with a rope on his back legs and now we can sort of touch his back side! YEAH! Just going to have to work on it some more so we can actually clip them and possibly get some shoes on him!
Speaking of the little guys back side......They may be small but they sure come at you like they were 16 hands tall and bullet proof! He is very territorial about his feed! I'm not a tall person (obviously) but when you see those two back feet flying at your face while trying to exit stage right it is a bit unnerving! Not once mind you but countless times in a span of about 10 minutes! He managed to trap me in his pen with him until my big strong man came to rescue me! needless to say we got an adjustment for the kicking and now he has company for dinner every night!
So, as you can see I am not only LittleBits' Mom but I also am Mom to a 4 year old little man with no name! I have got to come up with something! Any and all Suggestions are welcome! His Dam's name is Flying Arrows Sassaphras and his sire's name is Flying Arrows My Buddy Mickey. My catch is this, His birthday is the same as the old mare I first learned to run barrels on (Sunshine) that died 4 years ago, and he looks like my old shetland pony Flash that I had before her. I am trying to incorporate all of that into a cute little name that he can be registered with and still manage to get a cute little barn name for him too.
Laura, you and Mark may be able to help me out with the training issues here and I know you can come up with some pretty cute name also! I have never taught anything to pull a cart so; anything you tell me to do I WILL DO EXACTLY WHAT YOU TELL ME TO DO!
If any of you have an idea for a new name for the blog shoot those out too! I'm thinking something along the lines of "Insane Woman has to find time to do what needs to be done before she gets too old to do anything about it!"
wish me luck!